The Pet Potty for Large Dogs

Pet Potty for Large Dogs

Pet Potty for Large Dogs

The Pet Potty for Large Dogs

When you have a large dog and you are living in an apartment, everything becomes a little bit more difficult. Large dogs generally need more room for exercise and they also have completely different dog potty issues than small dogs. Large dogs definitely can’t use pee pads or synthetic grass on the patio. That will become a complete mess in no time.

The pet potty for large dogs takes into account the different needs of large dogs. When addressing a dog potty solution for large dogs you must be sure that you have the right area for your pet potty, it must be a large enough area, and it has to be able to handle large amounts of urine that will be produced by a large dog. Here are a few ways that the pet potty for large dogs can effectively handle your dog potty needs and make living with your large dog much easier and convenient for you.

Indoor Dog Potty

Indoor Dog Potty

Size Matters

The most important factor when deciding on a pet potty for a large dog is the size of the pet potty system. 98% of the  pet potty and indoor dog potty systems available today are too small for a large dog. Size of the pet potty is important for 2 reasons:

  1. Large Dogs need room to move – This may sound funny but it is very true. Large dogs need to have enough room to move around or else they just won’t use pet potty, plain and simple. I am sure you have noticed this when you walk your dog, they love to move around and find just the right spot to do their business. 
  2. Urine Absorption – You must have an area large enough to absorb the amount of urine that is produced by a large dog. If you don’t have a grass pet potty that is large enough to handle the job of absorption you are in for a pretty nasty odor.
Grass Patch for Dogs

Grass Patch for Dogs

Natural Grass Pet Potty for Large Dogs

Anytime you are considering a pet potty for your dog you should only use one that has real natural dog grass. At Doggy and the City we only use real natural dog potty grass in our pet potty for large dogs. There is no other way to handle the large amount of urine that is produced by a large dog. When you use natural dog potty grass it does all the work for you. The grass blades and attached soil absorb odors and urine naturally so you don’t have to do any scrubbing or cleaning. Fake grass will cost you time and money with daily cleanings and expensive cleaners. If you do not clean fake synthetic grass on a daily basis your pet potty for large dogs will smell up the entire patio area. Fake synthetic dog grass does not have any absorption ability so you have to scrub down the surface with cleaners and deodorizers while also pouring out pans of urine, pretty gross.

Our dog grass delivery service will make sure that you have natural dog potty grass delivered to your door for your convenience. Just change our the natural grass every 7 or 14 days and that is all you need to do. No daily cleaning, no expensive cleaners, and no wasting time and energy.

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Potty Grass, Litter Boxes, Potty Patch in porches, Apartment Training, Indoor Dog Park in Los Angeles