Large Indoor Dog Potty

Large Indoor Dog Potty

Large Indoor Dog Potty

Large Indoor Dog Potty

When choosing and outdoor / indoor dog potty it is very important to consider the proper size for dog. If you do not provide your dog with enough area to do their “business” you fill find it much more difficult to train them to use it. As you have probably seen on your many walks with your dog, they don’t just pick the very first spot they see most of the time. Dogs like to pick just the right spot and many time take a very long time to find it. If you do not have enough area for them to move around on their indoor dog potty they will not use as effectively as you would like.

Large Indoor Dog Potty Box

Large Indoor Dog Potty Box

1. Size Really Matters

If you you have a dog over 15 lbs. you need to make sure you have plenty of room for them to use their indoor dog potty. We recommend any dog owner that has a dog over 15 lbs to use our large indoor dog potty to be sure that their dog has enough room to to his business but also to ensure that their is enough dog potty grass to absorb urine and odor. Using a tiny indoor dog potty that is 16 in. x 24 in. is not going to work. This is just not enough area for your dog to use and it will smell almost immediately because their is just not enough dog potty grass to do the work of absorbing urine and odor. Our large dog potty is the perfect size for any balcony or patio but also provide plenty of room for your dog. The size of our large indoor dog potty is 2 ft. 9 in. x 4 ft 3 in. We have clients with dogs that are up to 150 lbs. every month.

2. Durability

Our large indoor dog potty has a solid wood frame with a plastic inner lining that protects the frame from moisture. Other companies in the past have offered plastic and even worse, cardboard indoor dog potty solutions that just don’t stand up to the needs of dogs both large and small. The cardboard indoor dog potty provided by some companies tends to break apart after a dog has used it for a week or so due to moisture from urine. If it rains at all you can be sure the the cardboard indoor dog potty is going to break apart in your hands as you are carrying it to the dumpster. Plastic indoor dog potty systems often move around under the weight of larger dogs or multiple smaller dogs, this effectively “spooks” them a bit and they become scared to step on it in the future. Our large indoor dog potty is sturdy and has no issues with weather or moisture due to its heavy duty wood frame and strong inner plastic lining.

Large Indoor dog potty grass

Large Indoor dog potty grass

3. Decor and Style

Our large indoor dog potty was designed to look like a piece of furniture not like a dog toilet. All of our dog potty boxes come in a stylish cappuccino color finish that goes well with any home interior or exterior space. We do not put our logo on the side of the box, we understand that you want something in your home that looks like it belongs there. Dog potty solutions that use cardboard boxes with their logo on it or plastic contraptions with urine trays just look foreign in a warm living room or stylish outdoor space.


SIZE: 2 ft. 9 in. x 4 ft. 3 in.




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Potty Grass, Litter Boxes, Potty Patch in porches, Apartment Training, Indoor Dog Park in Los Angeles