Keep your dog safe in the heat

dog-lying-downTips for keeping your dog safe during a heat wave

Summer seems to be coming early to Los Angeles this year. This means you have to be more aware in terms of your dogs needs. Dogs, just like humans, can suffer from heat stroke. With this being said, small changes in your routine can make a big difference.

If you are exhausted from the heat your dog feels even worse. These tips are simple and easy ways to help your dog deal with a Los Angeles heat wave.

1. Watch for Heat Stroke

Keep an eye out for heat stroke. The symptoms include excessive panting, lethargy, drooling more than usual, fever, and collapse. Heat stroke in a dog can cause permanent organ damage and even death if not treated. If you feel as if your dog has these above mentioned symptoms it is wise to visit your vet ASAP.

2. More Water

Provide extra water for your dog by putting out an additional bowl or a larger bowl. Also, it is a great idea to add ice cubes to their water. You can also go the extra mile and freeze a kong with something yummy in the middle.

3. Avoid the Car

NEVER LEAVE YOUR DOG ALONE IN A CAR. When say this we mean even for 30 seconds. In 90 degree heat it takes only a minute or two for your dog to become dangerously close to heat stroke.

4. Change up the walk times

NEVER LEAVE YOUR DOG ALONE IN A CAR. When say this we mean even for 30 seconds. In 90 degree heat it takes only a minute or two for your dog to become dangerously close to heat stroke.

5. Get your dog a “summer cut”

Brush your dog remove excess hair and also look into giving your dog a “summer cut”. This will make them feel cooler almost immediately.




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