Dog Potty Grass tips for dog owners

Dog Potty Grass Tips

Dog Potty Grass Tips

Dog Potty Grass Tips

Since 2006 we have been servicing dog potty grass customers in the Southern California area and trust me when I tell you that we have heard every question imaginable. We have compiled a list of dog potty grass tips for you based on the our years of experience. For many dog owners dog potty grass and the indoor dog potty are a totally new concept, which leads to many questions. Below are the most common dog potty grass tips we think you need to know.

Use Natural Dog Potty Grass with soil attached

Some companies offer a soilless dog potty grass with only roots, this grass is hydroponically grown and has no absorbent properties at all. What does this mean? It means that soiless dog potty grass will leave you with plenty of urine pools to clean up because it has no ability to absorb urine properly. We only use natural dog potty grass with soil attached to it, this prevents you from having to clean up any urine mess. All you have to do is change our the grass every week or two and the urine is removed as well. The soil is the perfect natural absorbent for urine and odors.

Indoor Dog Potty

Indoor Dog Potty

Keep your dog potty grass in a shaded area

When it comes to important dog potty grass tips this is a big one. In order to make sure that your dog potty grass stays fresh for 2 weeks or more you should place your indoor dog potty in a shaded area. Your indoor dog potty box is not deep enough for the grass to actually take root like a planter. If you are placing your indoor dog potty on a rooftop deck you definitely want to place it under an umbrella or some other type of shade. With sun constantly beating down on the dog potty grass it will tend to dry out after a week. The good news is that even when it is dry your dog will still use it though.

Cover your indoor dog potty grass when it rains

In the Southern California area we don’t have to deal with too much rain but when we do you want to make sure you cover your indoor dog potty. One of the most important dog potty grass tips is to cover you dog potty grass from rain. If it is just a sprinkle than you are OK, but if there is a real downpour you don’t want your indoor dog potty to become a swamp. Dog potty grass with soil attached to it is super absorbent but if it is inundated with water you are going to have a mess on your hands. We recommend that you just take a large kitchen trash bag and place over the top of your indoor dog potty to ensure that your dog potty grass does not get soaked.

Dog Grass Delivery

Dog Grass Delivery

Don’t over water your dog potty grass

Dog potty grass tips can’t be complete without covering the subject of watering. This is something we get asked all the time. Do I need to water my dog potty grass? If you do not have your indoor dog potty placed in a shaded area you may have to water the dog potty grass a little bit. Be sure to not over water the grass or else you will end up with a mini swamp area that may attract flies and it won’t be fun to change. We tell customer to never water their dog potty grass unless it is in an area that gets constant exposure to sunlight. Due to the fact that the indoor dog potty box is not deep enough for the grass to take root it really doesn’t matter if you water at all. If you do end up watering your dog potty grass make sure you use a spray bottle or just spread around some water on it with a kitchen cup.

Finally, if you have any other questions or would like us to add anything to our dog potty grass tips please call us at 818-282-3449 or email at For more information see our indoor dog potty and dog potty grass delivery service.




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