Training a dog to use a litter box

Training a dog to use a litter box

Training a dog to use a litter box

Training a dog to use a litter box

When living in an apartment with your dog you find yourself faced with many new challenges. Dealing with dog potty issues are one of the most difficult. Training a dog to use a litter box is quick and easy with our real grass indoor dog potty. In this article we will show you that training a dog to use a litter box is the perfect solution. All you need to do is establish a routine and our real natural grass will do the rest, it’s that easy.

Natural Dog Potty Grass

Training a dog to use a litter box is no problem when you use real dog potty grass. Dogs are naturally drawn to peeing on natural grass so training is easy. When you use real grass you are working with your dogs natural instinct. Using other surfaces like fake synthetic grass, paper or pee pads is much more difficult. Since 2006 we have been working with local farms to provide our customers with fresh natural grass for their dog litter boxes.

Establish a Routine

Training a dog to use a litter box

Training a dog to use a litter box

The other key to training a dog to use a litter box is establishing a regular routine. After purchasing your dog litter box you will want to start training your dog each morning. First thing in the morning, when your dog has the most urgency to pee, you want to take them to the dog litter box. Once they use their litter box you want to give them verbal praise and a treat. This routine will help your dog understand that the proper place to pee is in the dog litter box. Just keep to this routine for about a week and your dog will be fully trained.

Using natural dog potty grass and establishing a morning routine is the key to training a dog to use a litter box. If you have more questions please visit our dog litter box and dog potty grass pages.




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Potty Grass, Litter Boxes, Potty Patch in porches, Apartment Training, Indoor Dog Park in Los Angeles