Real Dog Grass Potty

real dog grass potty

real dog grass potty

Real Dog Grass Potty

At Doggy and the City we specialize in the real dog grass potty solution for owners and their dogs that live in apartments and condos. The last 7 years we have created and indoor dog potty and real dog grass delivery system that provides our customers with the perfect dog potty solution. Many years ago when we first started our company we provided several different options including synthetic fake grass and soon found that only real dog grass is the only real option for natural absorption of odor and urine. Our real dog grass potty is sized to fit the needs of any type of dog and any type of balcony or patio space.

Real Dog Grass is the Best

For our real dog grass potty we use only the freshest natural grass that is provided to us by the finest farms in the Southern California area on a daily basis. Our grass consists of the blades of fresh grass and a bed or attached soil that makes for the ultimate combination for absorbing urine and odor. Some real grasses only come with a bed of roots, this type of grass does not work. The soil attached to our grass does the majority of the absorption to our clients have virtually no maintenance to do on the box other than changing the grass out every 14 or 7 days depending on their situation.

Size of the Real Dog Grass Potty

When we created our real grass dog potty boxes we took into consideration the amount of space needed by dogs to do their business. As you may have noticed when walking your dog, they like to move around and find the “perfect spot” prior to relieving themselves. If you are using a product without enough space it is much harder for you to train your dog to use it. Our regular dog potty is designed for small breed dogs under 15 lbs and our large dog potty is big enough for dogs up to 125 lbs. Size really does matter when it comes to creating a real grass dog potty that works effectively.

Synthetic Fake Dog Grass is the worst

I can’t say it loud enough, fake dog grass is the worst. It is very difficult to train your dog to use fake synthetic grass because it is very foreign to them and very similar to other things in the house you have told them not to pee on like rugs, bath mats, towels, etc. If you are eventually able to train your dog to pee on fake grass you are going to start to see them peeing on other household items that are similar in shape and feel. The worst part of using fake dog grass is by far the odor, as soon as your dog urinates on it a few times it will begin to smell extremely bad. In order to fight the urine smell you will have to pressure clean the fake grass everyday with expensive, not to mention harmful, antibacterial chemicals. Bottom line you will end up spending a ton of time and money dealing with fake synthetic grass because it has zero absorption qualities. With a real dog grass potty you only have to change out the grass periodically and that’s it.






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Potty Grass, Litter Boxes, Potty Patch in porches, Apartment Training, Indoor Dog Park in Los Angeles