Indoor Dog Grass

indoor dog grass

Indoor Dog Grass

Indoor Dog Grass

These days many people are living in condos and apartments with their dogs. In most cases this means owning a dog without the luxury of a backyard for them to run around in and dog their “business”. Due to this fact dog owners are left with a few options available when your dog needs to their “business” late at night or very early in the morning. You can throw on that bathrobe and brave the elements or you can let them pee on paper pads. In some neighborhoods it just isn’t the best idea to be out walking your dog at all hours of the night and cleaning up urine soaked paper pee pads is just nasty.

indoor dog grass

indoor dog grass

Indoor dog grass is the perfect solution to avoiding dangerous sleep depriving walks at all hours of the night and the other option of constantly cleaning up a messy floor. Indoor dog grass is placed in one of our indoor dog potty’s and used as a potty area for your dog when you have no backyard. The best indoor dog grass is natural grass because it has the ability to absorb urine and odors naturally. Fake synthetic indoor dog grass has no ability to absorb urine or odors and you will find yourself constantly cleaning it in order to get rid of smell.

The Indoor Dog Potty

Our indoor dog potty is a self contained area that holds the indoor dog grass that is virtually maintenance free. When your dog pee’s in the indoor dog potty the grass absorbs the urine and odor. All you have to do is change out the natural grass on a weekly or bi-weekly basis and you are done. There are no urine trays to wash out or synthetic grass surfaces to scrub. You simply remove the uses natural grass and you are removing the urine. It’s that easy

Indoor Dog Grass Delivery Service

Doggy and the City provides indoor dog grass delivery throughout all of Los Angeles County as well as parts of Orange County. We deliver fresh natural grass to your door on a weekly or bi-weekly basis depending on your need. We have been reliably delivering for over 8 years now and currently service thousands of dog owners each month. We can also change out the grass for you with our full service option. For more information see our dog grass delivery prices and delivery areas.






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Potty Grass, Litter Boxes, Potty Patch in porches, Apartment Training, Indoor Dog Park in Los Angeles