Grass Dog Litter Box as a potty solution

Grass Dog Litter Box

Grass Dog Litter Box

The Grass Dog Litter Box

At Doggy and the City we created the grass dog litter box to help dog owners living in apartment and condos. Owning a dog without the luxury of backyard can present many difficulties. Dog owners living in apartments have to deal with many things a home owner does not. At the top of the list is dog potty issues. Our grass dog litter box makes dog potty issues a thing of the past. No more floor and carpet cleaning, no more walk in the middle of the night, no more walks at the crack of dawn. Let us show you why using a grass dog litter box can make your life so much easier.

Dogs Love it

Our grass dog litter box is filled with real natural grass so dogs love using it. Dogs are natural drawn to using real grass when they pee. We work with local farms to ensure that you grass dog litter box always has fresh natural grass in it. Pee pads and fake synthetic grass are just too foreign to your dog so training them to use them is very difficult.

Grass Dog Litter Box

Grass Dog Litter Box

Low Maintenance

Using fake grass or pee pads will present you with a ton of cleaning. If you do not clean fake synthetic grass and pee pads on a daily basis you will have a terrible urine odor in your home. Our grass dog litter box is filled with real grass and attached soil, the perfect natural absorbent. Because our real grass absorbs urine and odor naturally there is no need to clean it. All you have to do is make sure that you replace the grass in your grass dog litter box at least every 2 weeks.


Using a grass dog litter box is the ultimate in convenience. No more late night and early morning walks that may not be safe for you to do alone. It also give you and your dog another option when you schedule gets too busy or you are running late. Our dog grass delivery service makes sure that you have fresh natural grass delivered to your door on a weekly basis (every 7 days) or bi-weekly basis ( every 14 days ).

For more information please visit our grass dog litter box and dog grass delivery pages!


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Potty Grass, Litter Boxes, Potty Patch in porches, Apartment Training, Indoor Dog Park in Los Angeles