Dog Potty Grass Training Los Angeles and Orange County

Dog Potty Grass Training Los Angeles

Dog Potty Grass Training Los Angeles

Dog Potty Grass Training Los Angeles  and Orange County California

Dog potty grass training for your dog starts with an indoor dog potty and real natural grass. Using fake synthetic grass for dog potty training is just way too difficult and ends up just creating a clean up nightmare. The Doggy and the City indoor dog potty and natural grass is the ideal tool for dog potty grass training. We have been assisting dow owners since 2006 and we will show you how to complete dog potty grass training with our product and service.

Why use real dog potty grass?

In order to successfully complete dog potty grass training for your dog you must use real natural dog potty grass. Dogs are naturally drawn to using real grass when they do their business. This fact is evident on almost every walk to you take them on, if there is grass around they will pee on it. Therefore, when using real grass for dog potty grass training, you are working with your dog’s natural instincts. Instead of forcing your dog to do something foreign to them you will be asking them to do what comes naturally. This alone leads to quick and easy dog potty grass training.

Get the proper indoor dog potty size

Using natural grass is very important but getting the right size indoor dog potty is also critical to successful dog potty grass training. If you have an indoor dog potty that is too small they just won’t use it. Dogs need room to move around and pick just the right spot before they do their business. You may have noticed this when you walk them. Ordinarily dogs like to sniff around and find the right spot. At Doggy and the City we have perfected the right indoor dog potty sizes for any type of dog.

Dog Potty Grass Training Los Angeles

Dog Potty Grass Training Los Angeles

Create a routine and stick with it

Over the years we have heard many stories about how our clients have proceeded with dog potty grass training. By far the best way we have seen is when people create a routine and stick with it for the first 2 weeks. In order to successfully train your dog you must create a morning routine. This includes taking your dog to their indoor dog potty the first thing in the morning. At this time they have the most urgency to pee. When they do use the indoor dog potty make sure that you praise them verbally and give them a treat. It’s really that easy! Just make sure that you stick with this for the first 10 – 14 days and you are all set.



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Potty Grass, Litter Boxes, Potty Patch in porches, Apartment Training, Indoor Dog Park in Los Angeles