Real Dog Grass Pad vs. Fake Dog Grass Pad

Dog Grass Pad

Dog Grass Pad

Which dog grass pad is better?

Since we started Doggy and the City in 2006 we have been asked the same question over and over. Which dog grass pad is better? The real dog grass pad or the fake dog grass pad? Well after over 7 years of experience the answer is unequivocally the real dog grass pad. In this article we will inform you of the differences and give you all the details you need to make an informed decision.

Dog Grass Pad Training

Training a dog to use their dog grass pad is one of the things that people worry about the most. When you use real grass this is an easy task. Dogs love real grass and are instinctively drawn to using real grass to do their business. Fake grass only confuses dogs because it resembles other items you have told them not to pee on. These items include carpet, door mats, rugs, towels, etc. Every month we get calls from people that have purchase small fake grass dog grass pads. Basically, they are unable to train their dog to use them and end up ordering our real dog grass pad. Save time, money, and your rugs by avoiding fake dog grass pad products

Dog Grass Pad

Dog Grass Pad

Daily Maintenance

Natural grass is the perfect absorbent for dog urine and odor. When you use a real dog grass pad the natural grass absorbs urine and odor naturally. There is no need for daily cleaning or maintenance, you just need to change out the grass on a regular basis. The real dog grass pad is the most low maintenance indoor dog potty option. When you are using fake grass as a dog potty option you must clean it daily. Fake grass has no absorption abilities so the urine dries on top of the grass or collects in a urine pan below. Either way you must clean it daily or else you will find yourself with a terrible urine odor problem. Needless to say, natural grass is a much better option when it comes to dealing with dog urine and odor.

Dog Grass Pad Size matters

Fake dog grass pad products are just too small for any dog to use effectively. As you have probably witnessed on countless occasions, your dog likes to pick just the right spot to pee on. Your dog needs room to move around on their dog grass pad in order to use it. We have designed our products so that any size dog has enough room.

For more information visit our indoor dog potty and dog grass delivery pages!



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