Buying a dog grass pad for balcony use

Dog Grass Pad for Balcony

Dog Grass Pad for Balcony

The dog grass pad for balcony use

Choosing the right dog grass pad for balcony use in an apartment is not so easy. Over the past 7 years we have replaced hundreds of small synthetic grass indoor dog potty solutions with our real dog grass pad. Picking the right dog grass pad for balcony use is important. If your dog grass pad is not the right size your dog just won’t use it. You must have a dog grass pad large enough for your dog to move around on it. If your dog does not have enough room to do their “business” they will not use their dog grass pad on a regular basis.

The perfect size dog grass pad for balcony use

Dog Grass Pad for Balcony

Dog Grass Pad for Balcony

Size really does matter when choosing the right dog grass pad for balcony use. We created our dog grass pad sizes carefully to make sure that any size dog has just the right amount of fresh natural grass. As you probably notice when you walk your dog, they like pick just the right spot. Dogs love to use natural grass when they urinate but they need room to pick a spot. Our dog grass pad sizes work for the small Chihuahua’s and large St. Bernard’s.

Use only Natural Grass

We use only natural in our dog grass pad product. Using fake synthetic grass just confuses your dog and makes it difficult for you to train them. Dog’s love peeing on natural grass so training them is very easy. Also, natural grass will absorb odor and urine naturally so you don’t have to bother with daily cleaning. All you have to do is replace the natural grass on a regular basis. We recommend you change out the grass at least every 14 days. Our dog grass delivery service can help make that easy and convenient.

More questions? Visit our dog grass pad and dog grass delivery service pages!


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Potty Grass, Litter Boxes, Potty Patch in porches, Apartment Training, Indoor Dog Park in Los Angeles