Where do you get your grass?

We work with local Southern California farms. Every morning the grass is cut fresh around 6 am and we deliver it to your door the same day.

What does the grass consist of?

Our grass consists of lush green blades of grass along with about ¾ in. of compacted soil. The combination of grass and compacted soil works as the perfect natural absorbent. Eliminating the need for daily cleaning.


Why real grass?

Dogs are instinctually drawn to using real grass when they potty. This makes it easy to train your dog to use their dog potty box.

Also, the grass blades and compacted soil work as the perfect natural absorbent. This means that you don’t have to worry about daily cleaning which is common with pee pads, and plastic versions of the dog potty box


What is the size of the grass area in the dog potty box?

The grass area of the small dog potty box is 5 sq. ft. of grass

The grass area of the large dog potty box is 10 sq. ft. of grass


Are there any pesticides used on the grass?

The grass that we use has no pesticides on it. Also, because the grass comes directly from the farm it has never been exposed to other dogs. This eliminates the risk of exposure to fleas.



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Potty Grass, Litter Boxes, Potty Patch in porches, Apartment Training, Indoor Dog Park in Los Angeles