Puppy Litter Box Training

Puppy Litter Box Training

puppy litter box training

puppy litter box training

Our puppy litter box training guide is all you will need when the times comes to potty train your puppy using a dog litter box. If you are reading this article you have probably already done some investigating into how to build a dog litter box or what options are available for purchase. Unless you have a workshop in your garage we suggest that you buy a dog litter box. Our dog litter boxes are affordable and come with a lifetime guarantee.

Once you have your dog litter box it is time to start your puppy litter box training. The key to this is having a consistent routine and using a real grass dog litter box that will work with your dog’s natural instincts. Training a puppy can by a trying experience but we will provide you with some easy steps to make the process so much easier.

Crate Training

Using crate training in conjunction with your puppy litter box training makes all the difference. At first your puppy is not going to like it, you will have some whining and complaining from them but that should only last a short while. If you put the crate in the same room as you at night it will make it a little bit easier because they will know you are in the proximity. Make sure that you buy a create that is bit enough for your dog to be comfortable but not too big so they can pee in one part and sleep in the other. Dogs will generally not pee where they sleep, this will teach them to signal you when they need to pee, the first step. Always remember that puppies need to pee much more frequently than adult dogs.

Always remember that when puppy litter box training , crates are used for short-term confinement during the day. Do not leave your puppy crated for longer than 4 hours at a time. At night is a different story. Puppies, especially ones that are over 2 months, can sleep in a crate through the night without an accident. Also, make sure you line the inside of the crate with a plush blanket and a small food bowl just inside of the door, your puppy will be loving their crate in no time.

Morning Routine

puppy litter box training

puppy litter box training

When puppy litter box training you want to have the same morning routine for the first few weeks. When a dog has a normal routine it builds confidence and bonding between you and your dog. First thing in the morning when you remove your puppy from their crate you want to take them directly to their dog litter box. At this time of the day they will have the most urgency to pee and this in itself will make your job of training your puppy much easier. You want to make sure that you do not make this a time of play. You want to direct your puppy so they understand this is no time for play and time to get down to business. At this time you can start to train your dog to have a “key word” that is meant to direct them to pee such as “go potty” or “go pee pee”.

Verbal Praise and a Treat

As soon as your puppy responds to your key word and urinates in the dog litter box you want to make sure that you show them immediate verbal praise. Dogs key in mostly on the tone of your voice not just the words coming out of your mouth. Make sure that you convey an excited tone and they will get the picture right away. For even better effect follow up the verbal praise with a tasty treat and you will really be on the way to succeeding at your puppy litter box training. Just make sure you keep up this routine each morning for the first couple of weeks and your puppy will soon be signaling to you that they need to go out to their dog litter box.

Real Grass Indoor Dog Potty

real grass indoor dog potty

real grass indoor dog potty

Puppy litter box training is so much easier with a real grass indoor dog potty, this is a dog litter box filled with real natural grass. Dogs are predisposed to pee on natural grass instinctively. This means that you already have your puppies natural instincts working in your favor. Using fake synthetic dog grass or paper peed pads in your dog litter box is confusing for your dog because they are too similar to other household items that you don’t want them to pee on. Also, real natural grass is super absorbent so all you have to do is change out the grass weekly or bi-weekly and the urine is removed as well.

For more information see our indoor dog potty boxes and dog grass delivery service.


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